Money Lending Online

Application System

Data Export to

IDEAL KPKT System Ready

Cumputerised Your Loans

Repayment Schedules

Schedule J & K Agreement

Lampiran A, B1 & B Report Ready

API Connection Ready for any

Web Applications

System Customised For

Property Developers

Profesional Webpages

Special Design for Moneylenders

Multiple Company

A solution for multiple company environment with centralize server database hosted in any preferenced location, user to access the system instantly at any location through Internet.

Online Solutions

Data will be store and keep at remote server, all workstation's application to connect to server with authorized user ID and password through Internet.

Database Security

The database to configured for auto backup every night at server, data missing or losses will not happen at workstation application.

For Quick Support

TeamViewer QuickSupport, does not require installation

Accept and download click here

Money Lending Management System

Shanfon Capital Sdn Bhd is a software development company incorporated in Malaysia since year 2003, we provide solution on Money Lending Application and we have more than 700 moneylenders and property developers company using our application solution nationwide Malaysia.

Quality and Stability on our application system enable us to continue lead in the market, we provide full trainning and instant system support to our clients.

Multi Credit is an application system special designed for Moneylenders, the system to store customer profile, loans detail, repayment schedules and system reporting.

The system designed to operate in standalone, networking or cloud base, the server database can be hosted at any preferenced location such as Head Office, branches, data center or any place you like as long there is an Internet connection available.

System to generate KPKT's report such as Lampiran A, Lampiran B1, Lampiran B and loan agreement in Schedule J & Schedule K, payment voucher and payment receipt.